Assortment “6 Flavours”

Assortment “6 Flavours”


Per set


Per set

The assortment set in the Esturion de Sarrion signature collection includes six types of black caviar.

This set features Premium caviar. Each grain is hand-selected by size to provide the perfect combination of taste and texture. Its premium status emphasizes the highest standard of quality. Royal caviar has a rich and classic taste. Smoked caviar features delicate grains that are expertly smoked over coals that are seasoned with chips from barrels of exquisite Irish whiskey. Truffle caviar captivates with a bright and rich essence of white truffle. Finally, Natural caviar is less intense than regular caviar, making it appealing to connoisseurs of subtle gastronomic nuances.

We’ve enhanced the caviar assortment with premium vodka infused with sea salt. This pairing creates the ideal balance between the saltiness and rich aroma of vodka, fully showcasing the taste of caviar in all its splendor.

The caviar assortment with vodka makes an excellent choice for a special occasion or dinner with close friends. It will be a true highlight of your table, creating a magical holiday atmosphere.

The nutritional value

Proteins: gr
Fats: gr
Carbohydrates: gr
Calories: cal